State of the Company
VR stands for Valued Representation. It’s the meaning behind our name; it’s what we deliver to every client.
Valued Representation…for over six decades this is exactly what we’ve brought to all of our clients. At VR Business Sales/ Mergers & Acquisitions, we are very proud of our heritage. We have firmly established ourselves as an industry leader. Since 1979, we’ve helped thousands of families fulfill the American Dream of business ownership. Our view is that these people are the firm backbone of our business communities across the country and are responsible for driving both job growth and our economies.
Today VR is evolving. Developing to meet the requirements of the entrepreneurial needs of tomorrow. To understand the vision for VR, first you must comprehend who we service as an organization.
Family owned businesses have the power to transform America, again. These are our people. On a daily basis, across this country, our clients apply their extraordinary potential to drive innovation, ignite competition, build and expand communities, and as a result improve the quality of life for all.
In the United States, existing “small” businesses (those with less than 500 employees) comprise 99% of all employer firms, therefore employing nearly 50% of the workforce, which accounts for more than 60% of the private sector’s net new jobs over the past two decades.

No doubt our clients tend to be innovators. Yet it is also true that as time progresses, it becomes necessary for these same innovators to begin thinking about how to protect what they’ve built as they move into the next stage of their lives. It is a quest to liquidate their hard-earned assets as the business is transferred to a new owner. This new owner will often look for new opportunities and new ways to increase productivity and create new jobs.
It is clear that businessowners are experts in the operations of their companies. We understand that what businessowners need from VR is experienced and proven advocates who thoroughly understand their needs for exit or entry. Once those needs are understood, we will provide education and assist in the development and implementation of a confidential plan.