Deal Studio

Deal Studio

What Sellers Can Do

In addition to using a business broker, there are specific steps you can take to increase the chance of a successful closing. Know why you want to sell your business. Before placing your business for sale, it is important that…

And a Letter of Intent Is…

The Letter of Intent (LOI) is a pre-contractual written instrument prepared by the buyer for the seller, which is usually the preliminary understanding of both parties. The Letter of Intent can also be called Agreement in Principle or Memorandum of…

Why Deals Fall Apart

There are lots of reasons why the sale of a business falls apart. The reasons can be grouped into four major categories: those caused by the buyer; those caused by the seller; those caused by a third party; and those…

Pre-Sale Tuneup

Business owners are often asked, “Do you think you will ever sell your business?” The answers vary from: “Only when I can get my price” to “Never” to a realistic “I don’t really know” with everything else in between. “When…

Thinking About Selling?

Here are some tasks business owners should consider completing before going to market to help their businesses sell. Remove any items not included in the sale. That family heirloom portrait behind the counter of Grandfather William, founder of the business,…